Nothing Is Impossible, Impossible Is Nothing!!!

One week has past, just like that!
Seriously, Albert Einstein was right..
Time is Relative!

The genius orated that '' time is ever so relative. It's simple. If a guy sees a hot woman goes by,to him a few seconds would seem like a flash,but if he touches a hot stove,a few seconds would seem like eternity!''

Brilliant words... This past week,i have discovered that life is ever moving so rapidly. There is no such thing as constant,you have to keep on adapting,evolving according to your circumstances. It is more than ever,survival of the fittest!!!

I have learned that when you are faced with a new challenge,what do you do? If you know that it will push you out of your comfort zone,will you take up the challenge? Or will you be like me,calculating the pros and cons? I hate the second method,but 9 times out of 10 ,you have to make a sacrifice in one way.

Take the SUNWAY STUDENT LEADERSHIP PROGRAM. I was shortlisted but i was so unsure whether it will affect my studies. Will the benefit of it outweigh the cost of missing classes potentially,having less time for myself and studies? What do you say? Being an Acca student,admittedly,time management is everything. So we have to calculate the OPPORTUNITY COST!

In the end,a phrase came into my mind. I got to know it from my friend,Chew Teck Seng,who persuaded me to join Toastmasters Contest recently which i won 2nd runner up. If it hadn't been for his morale boosting phrase,i wouldn't have known my potential.

He said this,


So,a new adventure beckons. In a few months time,i may regret joining. But at least i know,that no matter what happens, i did give it my best shot!

A special thank you to my gf,who provided me with the elegant title above.

Nothing Is Impossible, Impossible Is Nothing!!!
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