Young adults and money.

I have just finished reading 2 books by locally renowned financial speaker/author Carol Yip.

1) Money Rules-How to Manage your money successfully-before it destroys your life completely.
2)Smart Money-User- a money book for today's young adults.

Well,it wasn't the first time i have came across Carol Yip's books. Being quite a voracious reader of self improvement,motivation,and financial books,when i first encountered her books about a year ago,i was skeptical.

My initial impression was that the books contained the popular and regular concepts about becoming rich,with a Malaysian flavor to it. Concepts like saving early,have a clear defined plan,save more than what you spend,have budgets,invest early,keep eyes open for business opportunities and such.

However,almost a year on from the first encounter,i had a sense of de ja vu in me. Something in my mind told me i just had to get the 2 books.

To say that i was a bit surprised is a real understatement. The 2 books essentially did cover most popular concepts.

What i really thought was unique of the books were that it focused on the psychological aspect of using money. Things like although we have a clear budget planned out,why do we still give in to temptations?

Also, Smart Money User is the first book to really give a hands on approach to the reader,forcing almost the reader to really plan his financial future.

Overall,i got a very clear picture about what a typical person would face in terms of financial challenges in the future.It is always good to prepare early and i would recommend everyone who wants to improve his or her financial IQ to read the books. 2 real gems . I finished both the 2 books in less than 2 days.

To financial freedom!
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